OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

GCScript Language

GCScript is a C-style programming language (like C, C++, Java, and C#) that’s optimized to work with OpenBuildings™ GenerativeComponents.

GCScript is a modern, robust programming language providing type safely, conditional statements, repeating statements, block statements, functions and sub-functions, objects and methods, arguments passed by value or by reference, a rich set of expression operators, and many more aspects.

Furthermore, GCScript provides its own unique aspects, including automatic replication – the ability to use a list, or a nested set of lists, wherever a single value is expected.

GCScript connects all of the features in a OpenBuildings™ GenerativeComponents model. GCScript appears at several different levels:

  • Node Properties - Whenever you fill in the value of a property, that value is a GCScript expression, which can be as simple or as complex as you like.
  • FunctionCall nodes and 'ByFunction' techniques - All of the functions you create are written entirely in GCScript.
  • Script Transactions - In a transaction file, a script transaction lets you enter any number of arbitrary GCScript statements, which are executed in sequence when that transaction is performed.
  • Script Files - A script file is a text file designed to contain a complete GCScript program. You can run the program, manually, whenever you wish, or you may run it automatically within any other GCScript code.